Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is the opposite of the affirmative?

Yep, Sydney has turned into Captain No.

Mommy: "Hi, Sydney. I love you."
Sydney: "No."
Daddy walks into room and smiles at Sydney.
Sydney: "No."

The parenting/toddler books advise that we avoid setting her up to say 'no.' We try to avoid yes-and-no questions, but it's usually best to just not talk to her. It's like having a very short teenager.

The tantrum phase is getting better. She knows what the rules are, and you can just see her eyes and mind processing her actions and the consequences when she's throwing a fit. Plus, I remind her that I drink a lot of Coke, therefore I will outlast her because of the caffeine in my system.

In time Brian and I will prevail.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Miss Sydney! Hope you had a good day!
I think no is Lilly's favorite word too! And whining is at an all time favorite...soooo annoying. Can you say ANYTHING without whining? Could be the fact that she has an ear infection again and is wheezing...yes, I will blame it on that.
Looks like Christmas was good, just catching up on your blog. Miss ya and love ya!