Thursday, November 6, 2008

Blog vacation

I'm taking a sabbatical from blogging right now. I'll be back in December. But here is a sweet photo and story for now.

We have a Sydney Log where the sitters makes notes about their activities,you know ... read books, play with play-doh, played outside, etc. . Brian decided to list his activities today:
Played run away from Daddy, then yell and scream.
Harassed Vader.
Protested diaper changes.
Long division.

I love watching these two together.

I'll be back next month!


Unknown said...

Daddy's are the best! And long division! WOW!
Well, just checking in to see if the blog vaca was over yet...are you in your sleep hibernation now or does your mind feel so free from all responsibility that you don't know what to do with yourself? You could come shopping in Indy!

Steven Lincoln said...

Can't wait until you start posting again. I love your humor, and of course, your Sydney photos.