Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mapping Milestones

August, which marked Sydney's 19-month mark, seemed liked a good time to shoot some pretty portraits of our little girl. I scanned the Weather channel for a pleasant forecast. We picked a colorful place - the White River Gardens in Indy. Of course, I had the perfect dress saved for such an occasion.

Here is what we came up with.

This is the front-runner for our 2008 family Christmas card.

This one will make a nice 12 X 16 for the family room.

If she had a driver's license, she probably would want this photo retaken.

Pretty picture.


Christy said...

Top one's my favorite!

Unknown said...

Oh, those are just too good. Comments are too funny, thanks for the laugh this morning!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes they just don't cooperate when you want them to!