Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Sydney woke up looking like this, so we turned the air conditioning on earlier than I would have liked. The upstairs front of the house (Sydney's room) tends to cook during the sumer.

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of our trip to the water park today. I'm looking forward to our next trip.

We belonged to a community swim pool while I was middle and high school. We would go in the mornings for swim lessons, then eat lunch, then spend the afternoon playing in the pool. We (my Mom) was vigilant about staking out a prime spot under a large tree. Often our friends the Minahans andPrybellas would join us. We'd pack a lunch, but once a week we would make a trip to Little Ceasars for their Tuesday special. Lots of fun and memories.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cute little curly mop head! We have the most adorable little girls ever!