Sunday, December 2, 2007

Digital Baby

This fall I clipped an Associated Press story that highlighted the pros and cons of digital technology recording today's kids. "Digital technology leads to the most documented kids ever" featured a mom that shot more than 6,500 photos during her daughter's first nine months.

Brian and I have not calculated the number of images we have, but we know it doesn't take long to accumulate oodles of images ... often of the same pose, expression, outfit or moment. I remember back (and I mean just a few years) when I had to carefully budget the 24 or 36 images assigned to each roll of film.

Now, we can snap a moment with one of two digital cameras, two cell phones or a digital video camera. Oh, and sometimes Brian records Sydney's chirps and peeps with his hand held recorder.

Yes, this is one documented kid.To illustrate my point ... here are three photos of Sydney (August 2007) from the same moment:).

We have so much material that I easily get overwhelmed trying to organize, develop or post the photos we do have. I spent Saturday evening catching up on photos from October and November when I panicked: we have very few (only about 30 photos) of our daughter in November. How did we fail we to chronicle the month as she approached her 11 month milestone?

The article points out that all of these recordings (photos, videos, blogs and audio clips) would be a gold mine for an anthropologist, but who is really going to wade through all of these? Will Sydney ever look at every photo or video? I know my mom set aside a box of photos for each daughter and I am excited to look through its content some day. At the rate Brian and I are snapping, Sydney will have a library to peruse.

The number of days Sydney is a baby are passing quickly. Brian and I realize this, and it is comforting to know that somewhere we have photos of Sydney at various stages of her babyhood. Just one month and one day and our baby will be a little girl!


Christy said...

Love the updates. I love the photos of her when she smiles ... she looks so giddy!

Unknown said...

yet, the mountains of pictures (on the computer) can definitely start to compile...the problem is actually pirinting them for everyone to see!